Portfolio > Garniture

Invited as a guest artist/curator in the Oscar Bluemner collection at the Hand Art Center.

Bluemner’s drawings and paintings are a field guide to deciphering the wallpaper and textile designs enveloping the walls behind his work. These digital collages were created using content aware technology that synthesizes existing imagery to fill in gaps in the design. The stylized motifs overlaying each vignette are floral decorations and accessories appropriated from The Vogue Archive from the early 1900s around the time Bluemner phased out his architecture career for fine art. On collaborating with a deceased artist, Creech responded to Stetson's collection and a selection of texts. Bluemner’s color schemes and textures are preserved while contemporary abstraction tools and The Vogue Archive motifs are stand-ins for a collaborative counterpart.

Huge thanks to Abigail Ramsbottom for her curatorial assistance.